
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

PEACE and National Beading Week

It's National Beading week!  A concept started three years ago by the Beadworkers Guild in England. They asked if I'd be willing to be an NBW Ambassador and of course I said yes!  Sharing more bead love out in the world.  This is what I wrote on their website in the way of introduction.

National Beading week! What could be better?
This is a wonderful initiative by The Beadworkers Guild. It showcases how the beads unite so many of us worldwide. The Guild first came to my attention when the lovely Heather Kingsley-Heath contacted me for an article. I've since had the pleasure of meeting many members both online and in person. The breadth of knowledge and creativity is deep and this idea to create a week long focus on beadwork is brilliant. I am happy to be a small part of this excellent endeavor!
Heather is of course one of our contributors here as well.  She recently gave us the magic chain to go along with her beady peeps  she released for National Beading Week.

I started this blog with the thought that the world needed more LOVE and thus were born the LOVE letters where I literally beaded LOVE.  So many of you joined in and it was wonderful to see all the beautiful and creative design variations.

I followed on with HOPE so between HOPE and LOVE we have the P and the E.  Since the world needs PEACE as well as love and hope I am releasing the letters A and C.  I've chosen to do that over on the National Beading Week website so we could all join in the fun and share one another's content.  Beaders worldwide are a generous group and you'll find lot's of free content and interesting projects in both places.  If you haven't visited there is a lot going on over there!

Click here for the A and the C! You'll also find a link to the P and E should you need them. and here for lot's of other patterns the members are sharing.  

And with PEACE on my mind I do want to share with you another endeavor happening over on my blog.  Mark and I began beading Peace signs with the thought of being able to raise money for Alzheimers research.  We are releasing a tutorial for the Peace sign as well as selling some finished peace signs.  The entire sale price of both the peace signs and the tutorial will be donated.  You can find out more here.

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